

1. 首先感谢HR的邀请,表达你对这次面试机会的兴趣和感激之情。例如:
Dear HR,
Thank you very much for the interview invitation for the position of xxx at your company. I am very interested in and grateful for the opportunity.
2. 确认可以参加面试的时间和日期,并表达你想参加面试,获得这份工作的意愿和决心。例如:
I would like to confirm my availability and strong interest in attending an interview. I am available on the dates you suggested - xx/xx/xxxx or xx/xx/xxxx. I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team.
3. 简要介绍你的相关背景,让HR对你有个大致了解,同时也表达你对该职位和公司的了解。例如:
As outlined in my resume, I have a degree in xxx and over xx years of experience in xxx industry. I have a proven track record of xx skills and accomplishments that would enable me to contribute to your company immediately. I have long admired your company's market leadership in the xxx space, and I believe my experience and passion would make me a great fit for this position.
4. 最后重申你的面试意愿,并表达你期待即将到来的面试。例如:
Again, thank you for your consideration. I look forward to speaking with you further about this opportunity. Please let me know if there are any other materials I can provide in advance of the interview. I look forward to meeting with you!
[Your name]