

第一,反思自己的工作态度和表现,看看是不是自己有什么不足或造成误会的地方,致使领导产生芥蒂。如果有的话,及时澄清和改进。 adopted a good attitude at work and clarify any misunderstandings that may have caused the leader's dislike.
第二,主动积极与领导沟通,争取机会与领导一对一地说明情况,表达你的诚恳态度。但这要以恰当的方式进行,不要太强硬或咄咄逼人。采取被动接受的态度也不行。proactively communicate with your leader and explain the situation to them with sincerity in an appropriate manner. Do not be too aggressive or confrontational. Do not passively accept the situation either.
第三,不要对领导的态度过于介意,要有自信和主人翁意识。工作上要努力避免过失,发挥你的长才,让领导慢慢放下成见,靠实力说话。Do not mind your leader's attitude too much. Be confident and have a sense of ownership. Work hard to avoid mistakes, give full play to your strengths, and let the leader slowly put aside their prejudices. Rely on your ability and performance to speak for themselves.
第四,如果局面无改善,可以考虑调整心态,运用智慧,或者在适当时候寻求组织的帮助。保持专业的工作态度,不要被领导的个人态度影响情绪。If the situation does not improve, you can consider adjusting your mentality and using your wisdom. You can also seek help from the organization when appropriate. Maintain a professional attitude at work and do not let your leader's personal attitude affect your emotions.