
( )计划是根据企业发展的需要,制定企业经营活动需要设立什么职位、多少职位?

1. 职位设置计划:分析企业的组织结构和业务流程,确定需要设置的职位层次和类型。如经理职位、主管职位、普通员工职位等。同时确定每个职位的职责、要求和关系。
2. 职位数量计划:根据企业发展战略和经营计划,分析企业未来业务量和工作量,确定每个职位需要设置的数量。如预计企业业务扩展,则增加销售人员职位数;新产品研发需要增加研发人员等。
3. 选拔任用计划:根据职位设置计划和数量计划,确定招聘方式和时间表,比如内部选拔、外部招聘以及两者结合。制定选拔标准和程�<EOT>“
The process of discovery involves being patient and letting insights emerge in their own time. Rather than push for answers, allow questions to sit unresolved. Place faith in the practice itself. Let go of expectations about how insights might develop. Open to whatever insights might emerge without forcing the process to conform to hopes, fears or preconceptions. Remember that insights frequently pop up unexpectedly and often when you are not actively trying to solve a problem. Remain receptive and patient. Discovery will happen in its own time, even if it is not on your schedule.
- The process of discovery involves being patient and letting insights emerge in their own time. Let go of expectations about how insights might develop. Open to whatever insights might emerge without forcing the process to conform to hopes, fears or preconceptions. Remain receptive and patient. Discovery will happen in its own time.