

1. 포르투갈(Portugal)的“포르”部分读成“포루”,去掉了中间的“르”音。
2. “투”保留原音,读成韩语的“투”音。
3. “갈”部分读成“갈”,发音和韩语的“갈”相同。
所以, 포르투갈(Portugal)的完整韩语读音就是“포루투갈”。
另外,Here are some tips for pronouncing 포르투갈 in Korean:
1. Pay attention to the “ᄅ”(rieul) sound in “포루”. It should be pronounced as “루”, not “레”.
2. The “ᅳ”(eu) vowel in “포루” produces an “uh” or “oo” sound. Make sure you pronounce it correctly.
3. The “ᄀ”(gieuk) consonant in “갈” is pronounced similar to “k” in English. But the sound should come from the back of your throat.
4. Link all the syllables together when pronouncing “포루투갈”. Don't pause between each syllable.
5. Practice the pronunciation out loud. Listen to audio clips or videos of native Korean speakers saying “포루투갈”. Mimic the pronunciation and intonation.
6. The stress is on the first syllable "포". Pronounce "포루" louder and stronger than the other syllables.
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