
1945年抗战胜利后,为了争取国内和平,揭露蒋介石的内战阴谋,中国共产党同国民党进行了( )。

1.  stopping internal undercurrents that are detrimental to peace   (制止有害民主的暗流活动)
2. Recognition of the legal status of various political parties (承认各民主党派的合法地位)
3. Resumption of constitutional rule and lifting of extralegal ordinances (恢复宪政,取消非法命令)
4. Recognition of the democratic freedoms of speech, assembly, belief, publication, and organization (承认言论、集会、信仰、出版和组织的民主自由)
5. Release of political prisoners and redress for their sufferings (释放政治犯并对其遭受的不幸予以补救) 
6. Preparation for the convocation of people's representatives' conference on a broad democratic basis (广泛的民主基础上召开人民代表大会的准备工作) 
7.  Revocation of unequal treaties and observance of provisions of the Cairo Declaration (废除不平等条约和遵守《开罗宣言》的规定)
8. Improvement of police, judicial and economic systems (改善警察、司法和经济制度) 
9. Freedom of residence and travel (居住和旅行自由)
10. Creation of representative self-government of municipalities, provinces and the whole country (建立市、省和全国的代表自治政府)