

1. happen 发生: Eg. The accident occurred at midnight. 事故发生在午夜。
2. appear 出现:Eg. Such mistakes occur frequently in the book. 书中频繁出现这样的错误。
3. come to mind 突然想到:Eg. An idea occurred to me. 我突然有了一个主意。
4. present itself 呈现:Eg. An opportunity occurred, and he seized it. 一个机会出现了,他抓住了。
5. take place 产生:Eg. Great changes have occurred in China. 在中国发生了巨大变化。
6.  occur to  sb  突然想起某人: Eg. It suddenly occurred to me that she might be offended. 我突然想到她可能会生气。 
7. come up 发生(尤指不期而至的事): Eg. Many problems occurred in the development of the new car. 新车开发中出现了许多问题。
8. happen unexpectedly 突然出现: Eg. The rain occurred just as we were leaving. 我们就要离开的时候,突然下起雨来。
9. exist 存在: Eg. Certain ambiguities occur in the contract. 合同中存在某些歧义。
10. make a presence felt 使人感觉到: Eg. Her unhappiness occurred in her voice. 她的不快在她的声音中显现出来。
11. come within one's experience 处于某人的经历之内: Eg. Have there occurred any moments in your life that you would live over again if given the chance? 如果有机会,你有没有任何时刻想重新经历一遍?
 occur的词性为不及物动词,所以其后通常不接宾语,但也可接少量名词做宾语。以上就是occur用法的详细总结,Hope it helps!