

1. 修饰形容词或其他副词,表示程度高低。如:very, so, too, quite, rather, pretty, extremely, utterly 等。例如:very good, so beautiful, too slowly, quite well, rather tired, pretty nice 等。
2. 修饰动词,表示动作或状态的程度或强调。如:much, greatly, deeply, seriously, badly 等。例如:improve greatly, hurt badly, worry too much 等。
3. 用于比较级形式,表示比较的程度。如:much, far, a lot, a bit, a little, slightly 等。例如:much better, far more important, a bit louder, a little easier 等。
4. 表示频率或数量。如:often, usually, frequently, occasionally, sometimes 等。例如:often go shopping, usually have lunch together 等。
5. 表示肯定或否定程度。如:really, very, absolutely, at all, hardly, scarcely 等。例如:really enjoyed it, very unlikely, absolutely correct, hardly know him, scarcely finished 等。
6. 指明范围或数量。如:almost, nearly, roughly, approximately, around 等。例如:almost finished, nearly half done, roughly ten students, approximately five hours, around Christmas 等。
7. 表达态度或情感,如fortunately, hopefully, curiously, surprisingly, unfortunately 等。例如:fortunately everything went well, hopefully the weather will be good, curiously I haven't seen him recently。
所以,程度副词有修饰形容词、动词、比较级形式、表示频率、表示肯定否定程度、指明范围数量和表达态度情感等丰富的用法。使用时要根据具体 context 选择恰当的副词。