

1. 不开工不营业。古人认为开工开业不利生意,易失去财源。 Dragon head day is on the 5th day of Chinese Lunar New Year according to the lunar calendar. It is regarded as an inauspicious day and people should avoid starting a new business on this day.
2. 不更换家具。相信这一天更换家具会带来麻烦。 Dragon head day is not suitable for rearranging or buying new furniture as it is believed that it will bring troubles.
3. 不动土。在龙抬头日动土不利事业发展。 Do not dig the ground on dragon head day as it is inauspicious for career development. 
4. 不出行远门。古人认为这一天出门易遭遇妨碍。Avoid taking long trips on dragon head day as obstacles may be encountered.
5. 不剪头发。相信这一天剪发易得厄运。Do not cut your hair on dragon head day as it is believed to invite misfortunes.
6.不祭祖。相信这一天祭祖不吉祥。 Do not make ancestral offerings on dragon head day as it is deemed inauspicious.
7.不嫁娶。相信这一天结婚易生冲突。Avoid getting married on dragon head day as conflicts are likely to arise.