

和友哈巴赫(Eugenics)战斗时的背景音乐是一首叫做《The Final Solution》的曲子。这首曲子的标题和内容都是暗喻纳粹的种族清洗和阅读策略。
We will rid the earth of their filth and greed
Driven by the power of our noble deeds
No more shall they poison our racial stock
The final hour is at hand, the final clock
The words and music work together to create a sense of unavoidable fate and racial pride that matches Eugenics's ideology and goals. It perfectly captures the sinister yet determined spirit of his genocidal plan.
The musical style can be described as a sort of dark orchestral march, meant to invoke feelings of power, destiny and purity of race in the listener. The drums keep a steady, marching pace that suggests the inexorable progress of Eugenics's "Final Solution".
In summary, the background music for fighting Eugenics - "The Final Solution" - is a purposefully composed dark and ominous song that utilizes powerful orchestral and choral elements to musically represent Eugenics's racist and genocidal ideology in a stirring yet unsettling way. The title, lyrics and overall musical style work together to create an audio parallel to Eugenics's quest to purge the earth of "impure" races.
I hope this detailed explanation of Eugenics's background music helps give you a better sense of its musical and thematic relevance to the character and storyline. Let me know if you have any other questions!