

涓生和子君的爱情 tragedy embodies several themes in Lu Xun's work:
1. The conflict between tradition and modernity. Lüqín represents the old traditions and customs while Zijun embraces the new ideas brought by the May Fourth Movement. But their different mindsets make communication difficult and eventually leads to tragedy.
2. The oppression of women. Zijun is a strong-willed woman who tries to break free from the confinement of tradition. But ultimately she fails due to the restrictions of the patriarchal society of that time. Her tragedy symbolizes the frustration and oppression faced by many Chinese women during the early 20th century.
3. The sterility of marriage without love and communication. Lüqín and Zijun's marriage is arranged without love. They barely understand each other and cannot have an emotional connection. This sterility eventually kills their marriage and leads Zijun to commit suicide. 
4. The cruelty of blind tradition. Lüqín clings to traditional rules and customs without questioning them. He fails to understand Zijun's psychological needs, resulting in her despair and death. Lu Xun seems to criticize the cruelty and harm of tradition through their marriage.
In summary, Lu Xun uses Lüqín and Zijun's doomed relationship to portray wider themes about the conflicts between tradition and modernity, the oppression of women, and the cruelty of blindly following tradition in early 20th century China. Their love tragedy vividly embodies Lu Xun's larger critique of Chinese society and culture at that time.