

1. 养老院的费用一般不菲,光靠个人积蓄支撑几十年的费用可能有困难,如果没有储备足够养老金,经济上不可靠。
2. 进入养老院需要孩子同意签署,如果关系不睦,可能导致在养老问题上发生争议。
3. 养老院的照护质量参差不齐,也可能面临倒闭风险。如果选错养老院,晚年生活质量难以保证。
4. 在养老院缺乏家人陪伴,容易产生孤独、抑郁等心理问题,不利于健康。
5. 如果身体长期大量依赖他人照料,一旦突发情况,获取帮助和资源的难度会增大。
6. 晚年可能还需要子女的各种协助和照顾,如处理财产、法律等问题。完全没有子女可能面临很大不便。
7. 晚年生病住院也需要亲人协助,没有子女这样的支持网络风险很大。
所以完全依靠养老院养老还有一定风险,最好提前做全面的思考和规划,做好准备。conomically unviable.
2. Admission into a nursing home requires children's consent. Strained relationships may lead to disputes over eldercare arrangements.
3. Nursing home quality varies, and some may even be at risk of shutting down. Picking the wrong nursing home jeopardizes quality of life in old age.
4. Loneliness and depression are common without family companionship in nursing homes. This is detrimental to health.
5. Over-reliance on caregivers for physical needs means reduced ability to get help in emergencies. 
6. Elderly may still need children's assistance in legal, financial and other matters. Being childless leads to major inconvenience.
7. Hospitalization in old age requires family support. Lacking this support network is very risky.
Therefore, complete reliance on nursing homes still carries some risks. It is best to plan comprehensively and make preparations in advance.