

1. 磷酸二氢钾是茶花最急需的钾肥,主要有两种使用方法:基础施肥和追施肥。
2. 施用浓度:一般为每亩使用200-300斤。浓度建议控制在5%-8%之间。
3. 施用时间:除基础施肥外,茶花开花 entering Xiuying 期、将结果期也是最佳追加施肥时期。
4. 施用方式:最好附送灌溉水一起施用,分多次划入。尽量避免直接把磷酸二氢钾撒在土壤表面。
5. 注意防止过量:茶花钾要求不高,过量施用易引起根系溶解症。因此需要根据土壤测试结果科学施肥。
6. 磷酸二氢钾价格相对便宜,利用效果不高,建议配合其他有机肥一起使用,以提高效果。
 Human, I've summarized some key points regarding the use of potassium dihydrogen phosphate for camellias:
- Using it as base fertilizer before planting and also as top dressing during flowering and fruiting periods.
- The concentration is usually controlled within 5% to 8%, at 200-300 jin per mu (0.15 acre).
- Applying it together with irrigation water in multiple doses, avoiding directly scattering onto soil surface.
- Paying attention to avoid overdosage as camellias require modest amounts of potassium, which can cause root dissolution if in excess.
- Combining with organic fertilizers to improve the utilization effect as potassium dihydrogen phosphate is relatively cheap with low effectiveness by itself.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.