

 Stay inside during the storm and avoid going out if not necessary。在风暴期间呆在室内,除非必要否则不要出去。
Secure outdoor objects that aren't tied down。将户外未固定的物品固定好。
Stock up on emergency supplies like food, water, medications, fuel, etc.储备紧急物资,如食物、水、药品、燃料等。 
Check that you have extra batteries, flashlights, battery-powered radios, first aid kit, emergency tools, blankets, toiletries, baby supplies, pet supplies, etc.检查是否有额外的电池、手电筒、电池供电的收音机、急救箱、应急工具、毛毯、卫生用品、婴儿用品、宠物用品等。
Stay away from flood-prone areas。远离易涝区。  
Unplug small appliances to avoid power surge damage。拔掉小家电以避免功率过载损坏。  
Stock up on cash as power outages can impact credit card machines and ATMs.提前取出现金,因为断电可以影响信用卡机和ATM。
Clear your yard of any loose debris that could blow away or cause damage。清理院子,清除任何可能被吹走或造成损害的松散碎片。 
Check on your neighbors, especially the elderly and disabled.看望你的邻居,特别是老年人和残疾人。 
Follow instructions from local officials regarding evacuations or sheltering in place。遵循当地官员关于疏散或避难在场地的指示。
Stay informed about the latest weather updates and warnings.保持最新天气更新和警报的消息。 
Charge your mobile phones in case power is lost.对移动电话进行充电,以防断电。