

1. 白色系衣服
2. 浅色系衣服
3. 防晒类服装
4. 宽松透气的服装
5. 带帽遮阳的服装
所以集合了反射、散热、遮阳等多个功能的浅色系防晒服,是夏天出门的最佳选择。itution of status.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/949) This section establishes the procedures for a capital prosecution under chapter 47A. It provides that the defense shall be given reasonable time and opportunity to prepare to defend against the capital case and a chance to inform the convening authority, in writing, regarding any reasons that may exist to oppose the capital referral. Failure to provide such reasons shall not bar the convening authority from proceeding with capital prosecution. This section also requires that before referral of a capital case the convening authority must consider the aggravating factors, any recommendations from the investigator and counsel for the government, recommendations from the trial counsel, and any matters submitted by the defense. In addition to the substantive law provided by [section 849 of title 10][/us/usc/t10/s849], this section provides the procedural framework to ensure adequate consideration of the substantive issues involved in a capital prosecution.
### Amendments
2009—[Pub. L. 111–84][/us/pl/111/84] amended section generally. Prior to amendment section provided that when an officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction had in custody an accused who had been served with charges, he could order trial only after formulating specific written reasons why trial should be held, including but not limited to considerations as to whether the specification alleges an offense under this chapter, whether available evidence indicated the accused committed the offense charged, whether untried charges against the accused would be compromised by trial on the currently preferred charges, and whether trial and disposition would best serve the interests of justice and discipline.
1990—[Pub. L. 101–510][/us/pl/101/510] struck out “by court-martial” after “an accused who has been served with charges”.
### Effective Date of 2009 Amendment__
    Amendment by [Pub. L. 111–84][/us/pl/111/84] effective 180 days after Oct. 28, 2009, see [section 1803 of Pub. L. 111–84][/us/pl/111/84/s1803], set out as a note under [section 801 of this title][/us/usc/t10/s801].
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