

1. 理智分析现状,不要在情绪化的时候做决定。 evaluate your current situation rationally, don't make decisions when you are emotional.
2. 评估新的工作机会。看看现在的就业市场是否有更好的机会。如果没有更好的选择,失业也许不是好主意。 assess new job opportunities. See if the current job market has better options. If there are no better choices, quitting may not be a good idea.
3. 考虑未来规划。辞职是否会影响您的职业发展和未来规划?会让您更难找到工作吗?考虑清楚。 consider future plans. Will quitting affect your career development and future plans? Will it make it harder for you to find work? Think it through clearly.
4. 评估个人财务情况。如果辞职,您是否有足够的积蓄维持生活一段时间?十分重要。assess personal finances. If you quit, do you have enough savings to sustain yourself for some time? This is very important.
5. 与相关人沟通。与家人、朋友、前辈讨论这个决定,听取他们的意见。communicate with others. Discuss this decision with family, friends, mentors, and listen to their advice.
6. 规划离职事宜。离职需要整理工作,交接事项,不能仓促。要负责任地完成离职事宜。plan resignation details. Resigning requires tying up loose ends, handing over work, and cannot be rushed. You need to responsibly complete the resignation process.
7. 积极找工作。辞职后要马上积极找工作,并利用这个过渡时期做一些提升自己的事情。look for jobs proactively. After resigning, immediately start looking for jobs proactively, and use the transition period to improve yourself.