

according to the novel Journey to the West, when the Tang emperor got sick, Sun Wukong went to find medicine to cure him.
He asked Zhu Bajie to do the following:
1. Sun Wukong首先让猪八戒去天宫借来天王老君的青金石和丹药,这是治疗百病的灵丹妙药。但是天宫的门神哪吒不让借,猪八戒只能回来报告。
2.  sun Wukong then asked Zhu Bajie to go to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit to borrow peaches of immortality from the Queen Mother of the West, but Zhu Bajie ate the peaches on his way back.
3.  sun Wukong又让猪八戒去东海龙王那里借来活死人粉,据说这药能起死回生。但是龙王也不肯借给猪八戒。
4. 最后,sun Wukong亲自去找了齐天大圣的师兄菩提祖师,向他请教治病的妙方。菩提祖师教他去西天取灵芝草、琼浆玉液来煎成药方,才终于治好了唐王的病。
总之,sun Wukong先派猪八戒去各路神仙那里寻找治病灵药,但都没成功。最后自己去找菩提祖师问方,取到灵芝草和琼浆才治愈唐王。希望这个解释能详尽地回答你的问题。请问有任何不清楚的地方,可以再问我。