

1. 4399逃跑吧少年端实际上已经停止运营和更新,官方不再提供逃跑吧少年这款游戏了。The 4399 Runaway Boy terminal has actually stopped operating and updating. The official no longer provides the Runaway Boy game.
2. 4399逃跑吧少年端目前实际上已经被4399白日梦端取代,4399官方推广和更新的主要是白日梦游戏。The 4399 Runaway Boy terminal has actually been replaced by the 4399 Sweet Fantasy terminal. 4399 officially promotes and updates the Sweet Fantasy game.
3. 4399逃跑吧少年游戏由于各种原因,如版权问题,商业考量等,已经从4399应用商店下架,不再提供下载和在线玩。For various reasons such as copyright issues and business considerations, the 4399 Runaway Boy game has been removed from the 4399 App Store and is no longer available for download and online play.
4. 4399逃跑吧少年端虽然还可打开,但由于游戏 不再提供,端内实际上已经显示不正常,大多数显示为白屏或报错。Although the 4399 Runaway Boy terminal can still be opened, since the game is no longer provided, the terminal actually shows abnormal, mostly white screen or error.
5. 4399官方目前主要投入在白日梦游戏的运营推广上,逃跑吧少年游戏已经不在官方战略考量范围内,故逃跑吧少年端显示异常也未得到修复。4399 official currently mainly invests in the operation and promotion of Sweet Fantasy games. The Runaway Boy game is no longer within the official strategic consideration scope, so the abnormal display of the Runaway Boy terminal has not been fixed.
综上,4399逃跑吧少年端打开后只显示白日梦游戏,主要是因为逃跑吧少年游戏已停运,被白日梦游戏取代,且端内显示异常也未得到修复所致。In summary, after opening the 4399 Runaway Boy terminal, only the Sweet Fantasy game is displayed, mainly because the Runaway Boy game has been shut down, replaced by the Sweet Fantasy game, and the abnormal display in the terminal has not been fixed.